Category: Uncategorized

June 4, 2018 moonuser

Teachers & Students:  I hope you all have a GREAT summer!  Thank you for welcoming me into your schools and classrooms!  (I did my Author Presentation to several more classes during the last week of school -well, for most students!  I know some teachers and students are still at Year-Round schools, but “the end is…

May 17, 2018 moonuser

I presented to a 2nd grade class and a 5th grade class at two different elementary schools in Kaysville, Utah this week! I had a lot of fun!  The students gave Magic Moon and me great overall ratings!  Fifth graders (21 students) gave us an average 4.5 star rating!  2nd graders (22 students) gave us…

April 28, 2018 moonuser

We’ve been waiting over a year to find out how children in the United Kingdom rated Magic Moon: A Young Boy’s Journey (Vol. 1)!  Children are the judges for “The Wishing Shelf Book Awards.”  Marilyn Whitchurch (Illustrator), and I are honored to receive such a high rating from the children!  YAY!  This was well worth the…

April 16, 2018 moonuser

I had a lot of fun doing my “Author Presentation” a 5th grade class on April 13, 2018!  Students figured out errors in the “Fun Grammar” quiz and I answered students’ questions! 5/19/18 Note:  This was my “Beta Testing Group” and the students were kind enough to rate each section of the presentation separately, and…